our values are in our name

SineCera is the Latin root for the word “sincere.” Partners who act with true sincerity in all that they do, will act in accordance with the values of SineCera Capital.

fiduciary hearts

SineCera Capital employees are empowered to act in order to solve problems for our clients. The terms “process and procedure” are internal terms to the firm and are never a reason or excuse for why we are unable to serve a client. If we are unable to serve a client within the known resources of the company, we will find someone outside of the company who can help create a solution for our clients. Serving as a fiduciary for our clients is not just a legal standard of care but a part of each of our hearts.

continuous learning

While we believe experiential learning has the highest level of efficacy, we encourage all forms of learning that embolden our partners to utilize their gifts for the benefit of clients, co-workers, and the community. The phrase “but we have always done it this way” is usually a lagging indicator that continuous learning has halted.

Happiness is circumstantial. Joy is a choice.

We believe that joy is a value and comes from finding purpose and seeking fulfillment of that purpose.

Assume noble intent

Our first assumption will always be that a client or a partner is following what they believe to be the best and most sincere path to solving a problem. This allows us to always see our relationships as collaborative and never adversarial.

Every human being is valuable

Our value is to remember and act upon this truth in every interaction we have with our clients, co-workers, and the community.

no placeholder positions

SineCera Capital goes to great lengths to find people who possess the skills and capability from day one to perform their role at the top level. We hire partners and team members for the long-term.

“It’s not my job” is an unacceptable excuse

We are a small company of top performing individuals. If a partner is unable to pick up a piece of trash or prepare a drink for a client, then they will be unsuccessful serving as a fiduciary for our clients. Partners at SineCera Capital are empowered to make decisions on behalf of the company for the betterment of our clients. The company is comprised of highly skilled and successful people. Hubris is banned along with the “brilliant jerks” who are the typical peddlers of such a mentality.

Solving the problems you create is NOT good customer service

If we make a mistake the first action is to take care of the client and fix the problem. The second action is to learn from the mistake and ensure it does not occur again.

The basis of our values

SineCera Capital was founded upon Christian values. Our founder and founding investors are all families of faith. We serve a diverse client base and welcome people of all backgrounds. It is from this foundation that we draw our values of sincerity, integrity, moral character, and respect.